"Hati Saya Telah Dimiliki" - Fasha Sandha

Dudaku untuk dilelong. DM dia untuk berkenalan. Masih single and available , kesian dudaku...👌kriteria yang diperlukan, adala...

"Macam Ni Kot Rasa Nak Beranak" - Farahdhiya

You Might See: HOW TO INVEST The Importance of Financial Investments If you're just starting out, beginnin...

"Ada Yang Offer Ajak Kahwin, Tapi ..." - Aeril Zafrel

You Might See: HOW TO INVEST The Importance of Financial Investments If you're just starting out, beginning a...

Reaksi Elfira Loy selepas fail notis muflis tersebar

You Might See: HOW TO INVEST The Importance of Financial Investments If you're just starting out, begin...

Nama Aliff Aziz Digugurkan Daripada Drama

You Might See: HOW TO INVEST The Importance of Financial Investments If you're just starting out, beginning an i...

Comel, Reaksi Spontan Aafiyah ‘Restu’ Fara Fauzana & Anuar Zain

P P C O M E L vs P P P A U . Kalau korang jadi Aafiyah .. restu tak? Hahaha . Mlm ni nak tanya ibu Aafiyah @ctdk pulak heheh . ...

“Zaman jahiliah dulu akak cukur kening... menyesal!” - Norkhiriah

You Might See: HOW TO INVEST The Importance of Financial Investments If you're just starting out, beginning an ...

"Bajet besar nak dapat Mira Filzah" - Zizan

You Might See: HOW TO INVEST The Importance of Financial Investments If you're just starting out, beginning an inv...

"Dulu Saya Nak Ada Rumah Cantik, Saya Selalu Merungut..." - Ucapan Nur Shahida Kepada Aliff Syukri Sempena Anniversary Buat Netizen Sebak

Hari ini genap usia perkahwinan kami mencecah 11 tahun 10/8/2007-10/8/2018. . Terasa cepat masa berlalu....anak2 pun makin bertamb...